07 January, 2014

MGT613 Current Midterm Paper Fall 2013 Shared by Sidra File 5

Sidra on December 23, 2013 at 12:06pm
MGT613 Operations Production Management
Dated: 23rd December 2013
3 Marks Questions:
1.     Write some characteristics of Judgmental Forecast.
         Judgmental Forecasts rely solely on judgment and opinion to make forecasts.
         In the absence of enough time, it is easy to use qualitative type of forecast.
         In case of changing external environment economic and political conditions, organizations may use judgmental forecasts.
         When introducing new products, services, new features, new packaging, judgmental forecasts are use ding preference over quantitative techniques.

2.      What are the qualities of successful job design?
A successful Job Design must have the following qualities
1. Carried out by experienced personnel who have the necessary training and background.
2. Consistent with the goals of the organization.
3. In documented form.
4. Understood and agreed by both management and employees.
5. Shared with the new employees.
3. In your point of view what is impact of capacity decision to meet the future Demand?
Capacity decisions impacts ability to meet future demands, affects operating costs. These decisions often act as a major determinant of initial costs, as they involve long-term commitment. These decisions affect competitiveness and gives ease of management. Capacity Decisions focus on globalization as it is more complex and impacts long range planning.
(More detail is on page number 65 of hands outs)

5 Marks Questions:
1.      Identify the characteristics and form of incentive plans?
Characteristics and Form of Incentive Plan
Operations Manager making use of an Incentive Plan must be able to understand and identify the following characteristics and form of Incentive Plan.
1. Accurate
2. Easy to apply
3. Consistent
4. Easy to understand
5. Fair
6. Compensation
Types of Individual Incentive Plans
Pakistani organizations have employed various types of individual incentive plans which find judicious applications in other countries of the world.
1. Group Incentive Plans
2. Knowledge-Based Pay System
3. Management Compensation
Of the three mentioned above, the operations manager should be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each type of incentive plan.

2.     In your point of view what is Process of service design cover the main Phases.
Service Design process requires the thorough understanding of what the service should be and how it should be delivered and that too within certain standardized specifications or requirements.
1. Conceptualize
2. Identify service package components
3. Determine performance specifications
4. Translate performance specifications into design specifications
5. Translate design specifications into delivery specifications
A good operations manager should be able to see the compatibility between design requirements for a product or a service.

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